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Cloud computing new profit source software

Cloud computing new profit source software

Hit the German company SAP software for electronic powerful example in how to move in the direction of the dominant trend on the market to ensure the continuation of profit-taking.
I knew the German company, which is a software giant in Europe that the new gate profits in its field is cloud computing after the desire of many companies to move to it, as they provided services can be accessed from anywhere in the world and at the lowest cost.
The cloud computing "Cloud Computing" alternative default method regular install software on the devices and use, where customers install any software on their computers, but instead get access to programs and data is transmitted their cross servers far on the Internet.
Saab was not a German companies working in the field of new software even included the importance of the domain you have acquired some companies with expertise in the area.
The German company's earnings confirmed its thinking health officials as its overall profit rose for the second quarter after-tax rate of 12% on an annual basis for up to 661 million euros.
The cloud computing alone 52 million euros from 3.9 billion euros (excluding tax) until the second quarter of 2012, compared to 29 million euros - profit cloud computing - in the first quarter of the current year as well.
The second-quarter revenues for SAP is the highest during the second quarter in the history of German companies, and this is the most prominent evidence of the value of cloud computing in the future of software other than the lesson administrative officials who beat the German company.

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