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Know amendments Facebook's privacy policy

Know amendments Facebook's privacy policy

 Agree a lot of Internet users that the biggest lie on the World Wide Web, is doing by checking the button (yes, I have read the Privacy Policy), although not to read that policy or even a single line of them.
Despite these lie, Privacy Policy especially on sites that require registration where personally identifiable information, most notably social networking sites serves as the constitution between a user and the sites so as not to turn it to trade information for users.
He called last week, Facebook officials, users of the site to do a new vote on the amendments will be in a privacy policy adjustments that will be adopted after the failure of the vote after the non-participation rate sufficient to change those amendments which 30% of the users of the site's billion users.
We will try in the next points that Ndjalkm - For the first time, perhaps - you are looking at Highlights of the new privacy policy that will apply to every user of Facebook ..
- User can not hide his name or his search for private logged in to Facebook.
- Is committed to take the approval of applications the user to access and use any of the personal information.
- Committed to taking applications approval before publishing any information at the expense of the user with the ability to specify who sees that information (either friends or friends of friends, only you or dissemination to the public).
- The user is still right to control who sees his information on Facebook whether newer updates or comments or photos that shared across the site.
- The user can request the removal of any image submitted to him by another user.
- The user can remove any (TAG) for a picture done by another user has.
- The user can cancel or to determine the validity of viewing any content appears on their profile across the Activity Log.

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