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Soon .. For iPhone App for tests and EKG

Soon .. For iPhone App for tests and EKG

Australian researcher at the University was able create a new application works on smart phone "iPhone" from Apple and can measure the user's heart rate throughout the day.

The University of Sydney researcher James Hivrz with a PhD in psychology recently invented an application can measure heart rate and record any difference in the user's heart rate throughout the day no matter how small.

And university officials have made ​​it clear that the idea of ​​the new program depends on the technology used to measure heartbeat athletes during exercise, but the application Hivrz focuses more on changes in heart rate for psychological reasons such as stress, anxiety and excitement.

Hivrz said in a scientific paper saying "by providing the user device to measure heart rate and then connect this device to your phone and mobile phone use for data processing, the user will not need anymore to go to a medical laboratory for echocardiography."

One of the benefits of the new technology because it allows physicians and researchers to study heart rate anyone throughout the day without having to
Introducing for the medical laboratory and subjected to medical examinations.

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