Lenovo: Middle East and Africa, one of the reasons Njaanna

See Gianfranco SBLC Prime Chinese company Lenovo in the Middle East, Europe and Africa that the market for consumers of computers in the Middle East and Africa is one of the reasons for Advanced achieve his position among computer manufacturers.
The Lenovo got first place among computer manufacturers in a number of market studies for the third quarter of 2012, and second place in the study of IDC Research.
Gian Franco said that his company is estimated to emerging markets in the Middle East and Africa in particular, during his first visit to the region after taking over as head of the company in the region since last April.
And established Lenovo press conference in Dubai confirmed through Gianfranco for SBLC company's business in the Middle East and Africa move from success to success, and was able to record market share of more than 10% in seven countries; include the UAE, Egypt and South Africa, Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan and Morocco.
According to the final results of the research firm IDC (IDC) regarding the results of the third quarter of 2012, was able to Lenovo recording market share reached 10.8%, a growth rate of 26.5% from year to year, the highest growth rate among the first ten manufacturers of computers in the world .
And was able to Lenovo, the Middle East and Africa, to achieve the highest growth rate among the ten largest manufacturers of computers.
The SBLC: "We record a growth rate of 46.6% from year to year in the Middle East and Africa, and 61.3% in the Arabian Gulf region. For the computers we get to third place in the Middle East and Africa investigators grew by 13.2% from year to year. "
He added: "We got to sixth place in the notebook growth rate of 56.6% from year to year. And increased our share of the UAE market to 12.2% and registered record growth rate in the Saudi market reached 8.8% and we were able to double the number of our customers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. "
The newly launched company Lenovo Group of computers innovative in the Middle East and Africa, including the ThinkPad X1 Carbon, a computer class "Oltrabuk" where the lid and structure made of carbon fiber, making computers ultra elegance and offers computing experience stretcher unprecedented.
The ThinkCentre desktop is designed to meet the needs of government agencies and educational institutions large, was also raised in the region's markets. Also excelled Lenovo's newly articulated innovation mechanism enables her computer pioneer Yoga spin 360 degrees so transformed from a notebook computer to a tablet computer simple movement makes it suitable for domestic use and for small and medium-sized companies.
For his part, Oliver said Abel, CEO and general manager at Lenovo Middle East and Africa, said: "Since its launch in the Middle East and Africa, Lenovo demonstrated its continued commitment to the region.
He continued: "This includes investments in the establishment of offices in the UAE and South Africa, and four new offices in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, Kenya, and we have plans for future expansion in the region. In addition, we were able through a few years to increase the number of employees with us three times, and works with us now 150 employees. "
IPL concluded: "Strategy for Lenovo continues to grow in the Middle East region and we are committed to our customers and our strategic partners by providing real innovations to the market, while continuing to improve the working mechanisms of distribution channels."
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