How will the world end

There are at least twelve scientifically proven method could end because of the end of the disastrous world before the end of 2012.
Predict the end of the world a sure bet and foolish alike. In the end, the complete destruction of civilization and the human race and the world actually, is sure soon. The deceptive part in predicting an event destruction and the end of the world is the timing, but this did not make people in human history stop predict imminent brutal fate of the world. Settled clergy and Ancient astronomers, but automated computer scientists, all of them on numerous occasions, fortune, all of them in his career, and concluded that the end is near. They are all, without exception, have sinned reading
But maybe this year is different, in December 21, 2012, up to the Mayan calendar cycle of 394 years called Bacton, which cause injury to amateur prediction paid off at the end, going crazy. (Best not to talk about the film, which is based on the theory of 2012). Alerkyulojeon avoids embarrassment caused by a doomsday scenario that make it clear that the Department of the Mayan calendar is no less important or dangerous than our calendar which Atktk slow from 1999 to 2000, then this is comfortable.
However, it is not because the Mayans did not predict the end of the world this year, especially does not mean we are safe, there are many other risks on the ground that scientists take into account seriously. These risks range from disasters that threaten millions or billions of people to «Event yard full wipe out most life on the planet.
Can you beat us one of these cosmic lightning this year? Most likely, no, but it is not completely impossible. Helps us to understand the delicate little danger - but real nonetheless - a planetary disaster, to travel in time back. Because these events occurred before the results were not pretty.
To embark on our journey to see the directory. The journey starts visit to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. On the fourth floor, inside the entrance gate of carnivorous dinosaur hall, you will find a piece of dirt dark Montana duct and Light such as Neapolitan ice cream. This piece is not exciting compared to the huge creatures displayed near them, but one layer of beige - gray can explain what Abad these great monsters: It is the effect of sediment 6 miles wide asteroid hit the Yucatan 65 million years ago. «We have seen in the wake of this disaster annihilation of everything from single-cell organisms to the huge dinosaurs. This is what Mark says Norl head of paleontology at the museum. You could decide one last final destiny? Or cause a disaster from the top, from outside the earth in our death?
Or perhaps come from the bottom, for after 2200 miles to the west in Yellowstone National Park, which is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in America, another ominous destruction. Every hour, emerges pond on the old faithful to the spring fountain of spray with a length of 145 feet. It sends impact on cold to contemplate what-driven: Energy Geology thermal radiate to the top of the slot from underground deposits. Every 500,000 years or so, Yellowstone volcano erupts and raining volcanic lava and ash hundreds of miles away. He was a volcano eruption occurred 250 million years ago in Siberia enough carbon in the atmosphere to cause the largest genocide in the history of the earth; It Permian extinction - Trellasa known as the great death Abad 96 percent of marine life.
It is the harshest ironic sarcastic, be, which is the most serious threat to human life on Earth is another life on Earth: microbes. Flanhol journey for all the things that predict the end of the world a disastrous end to the Netherlands, where finally making virologist Ron Voshir in the Erasmus Medical Center a copy transmitted through the air from the bird flu virus H5N1. The property lethality and frequent mutations of the virus to make it a serious pandemic threat. Estimates tell us that the last great flu pandemic, the 1918 Spanish flu, has killed five times the number of people killed in the First World War. The probability of a cosmic explosion naturally always present, but becomes a threat issued by the scientific laboratories, much more frightening. D say. Ali Khan, head of the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): «The price of a new manufacturing organism fall each year, an evil man can make smallpox.
Although the imminent destruction, it seems, Ihotna from all sides, the likelihood yard in a certain probability dwindle to extinction. On the other hand, the long-term shade expectation more opacity. Remain very few species alive through the ages, such as crocodile and tropical fish Alsellkant. Says Timothy Spahr, director of the Center for small planet in Cambridge, diamonds an observant body of comets and stars: «safe bet is that we will not survive because 99.9 per cent of the things did not survive. We have some time, however, on average, remain vertebrates about 4 to 6 million years ago, and modern humans only 200,000 years old. We are not typical of vertebrates this planet. Perhaps the best of our knowledge and our technology eventually abandon this small planet at the end. So maybe we just start.
1_Asteroid impact
Hit space objects earth all the time, but cause only once every 100 million years in the incidence of effects caused by the yard. After stunning collision of the comet shoemaker Levy 9 Jupiter (and a crowd of clicks asteroids causing the disaster) in the nineties of the last century, began the U.S. space agency NASA to draw a map of each large space objects near the ground. But there seems to be much less potential disasters ground in the neighborhood, which once was thought. Spahr says little of the center of the planet: «must be killer asteroid mile civilization». (Stone space that ended the age of the dinosaurs is estimated that six times this size). He adds: «Not all asteroids of this size in space.
On the other hand, there are a huge number of space objects that inhabit space did Nkchwha after, a width of several hundred yards, one asteroid we know, with a width of 300 yards called Apophis 99,942, will pass within orbits satellites of the Earth in 2029, and could hit our planet one day. Spahr says: «the worst-case scenario that hits Los Angeles and kill millions of people and destroys the entire west coast
2_And a comprehensive B
In order to cause disease in a global destruction, must transition infection and lethality property, such as a flu pandemic in 1918, which killed over two and a half years of 50 to 80 million people.If the next influenza pandemic on the same degree of ill-B 1918, Faisal death toll equivalent to 210 million. D say. Khan: «and end to that many people will mourn the chaos immediately, and adds that medical science, on the other hand, during the last century developed powerful weapons against disease:« We are the type of intelligent, we can respond to the attack.
But what if you turned our intelligence against us?. Thanks to advances in biotechnology, will become available for Haúkin lethality of germs. Says Charles. Blair, the director of program analysis of terrorism at the Federation of American Scientists: «We are on the brink of what could be a scary time, I think you're talking about possible happened yard in the near future.
3_Control machines
Moore's Law means - the observation that automated computer chips increases strength twice every two years - that artificial brains will eventually overtake the human brain. The big question is: What will artificial intelligence Ripper chooses to do with future donations owned?
Says Anders Sandberg, a researcher and world futures at the Institute for the future of humanity in the school Martin Oxford, England: «The danger is not the same lot screenplay Terminator Terminator, where there's computer supernatural hates humans; The neglect villain may be a bigger problem, you will have intelligence, but his motives not quite human motives. The automated computer may not really care anything we are concerned with, but since it is the smartest, you'll get what he wants.
4_Gamma ray bursts
When massive stars die, extinguished a spectacular way. Fbma they exhausted their nuclear fuel, internally collapses position to a black hole, then devour the star from the inside to the outside.It is the height of this destruction, explode the strong rays of the absolute energy gamma rays and charged particles light up for a few seconds all of the rest of the stars in the universe.
This is great for astronomers who can note these gamma ray bursts across the universe - but it's not a good thing for any planet happens to be located in the path of the rays. In two consecutive Sriotain strikes, will kill a barrage of charged particles everything quickly on one side of the planet, while will ionize intense gamma rays atmosphere and cause years of acid rain.
«Rule of thumb, danger extends to all located within 300 light-years away. Says Derek Fox astronomer Pennsylvania specialized in gamma ray bursts: for us «not a likely threat, with an average galaxy gamma ray test explosions every 10 million years, and a small danger zone where represents a small percentage of the galaxy.
5_Earth Snowball
People feel at the moment concerned about global warming, but could create atomic fallout from nuclear war or volcanic eruption enough dust to obscure the sunlight in the air and cause the inverse problem is a deep drop in surface temperature. If the land remained cool long enough, it could be the worst disaster.
In the sixties, climate scientists realized that if overgrow enough snow, you'll fall back next most solar radiation into space and will stabilize the planet in a constant state at a temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Then in 1992, asked Joseph Kirvenk geologist at the California Institute of Technology's theory that the earth once ruled long periods of time almost completely frozen whole, leaving evidence of ice deposits that are found in the tropics. Some life remained suspended in the few shelters that volcanic springs Dfotha.
Can that happen again? Given Kirvenk: «It is something you do not need to worry about next year or the next hundred years (...) Even if climate became very cold, it will require a long time to consist of glaciers.
6-Ocean acidification
After the death of dinosaurs ten million years, increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Oceans absorbed carbon dioxide and become highly acidic updated wave of the patio swept the planet.
Today, rising again carbon dioxide levels, but this time rising at a rate 10 times faster. A world land Andy Ridgewell from the University of Bristol in England as a model for the effects of rising carbon dioxide levels and says that we can see the damage in the veins of coral. Will not result in the destruction of the veins loss population of marine life, including an estimated 25 percent only, it displays many of the coastal cities to a great storm and water damage. Ridgewell says: «The disappearance of the reef mean economic disaster and social and environmental really.
However, it does not seem that ocean acidification is a direct threat to human life. It involves killing a large number of obstacles that live in deep water, but he will remain on the premises main commercial fishing in the world. Ridgewell says: «There are many creatures that suffer from the threat of extinction not notice it.
7-Solar storm
Launched a great solar storm last year's wave of charged particles through the solar system at speeds of 4 miles / hour, setting the stage for the emergence of the northern lights that can be seen as far south as the U.S. state of Arkansas. But while it is pleasant to the eye, Such a storm could herald catastrophic yard.
Prevents the Earth's magnetic field of lethal particles of the sun striking the surface. On the other hand, raises the movement of these particles strong currents on the ground. During the worst solar storm was recorded in 1859, was a very strong currents, so that a fire broke out in the telegraph lines. Says Jeffrey Love, a researcher at the geomagnetic with the U.S. Geological Survey. «May cause months without electricity in the loss of trillions of dollars, and the destruction of the economy radically.
8-Rebel volcano
Million years ago, launched a massive volcanic eruption near what is today called the Yellowstone National Park 600 cubic miles of dirt and ash in the air - 2400 times the speech of Mount St. Helens in 1980. If a similar explosion happened today, «will paralyze trade as usual around the planet, says Jack Onstern, geological world with the U.S. Geological Survey and in charge at the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. Aside from the toll in human lives that will occur in areas that extends the blast, says: «global air transport will stop for months if not for years.
Since then, the old blast, located massive explosions every 600,000 years or so, and signed the last since 640,000 years ago. On the bright side, characterized by periods of time that passes between the Rebel volcano explosions Yellowstone as irregular.
9-Geomagnetic coup
At present, the North Magnetic Pole is located at the top near the Arctic circle, but this is not always the case. Through the history of the earth, the exchange of the magnetic North Pole and the South places, a phenomenon known geomagnetic coup. This is a phenomenon characterized by non Alantzamah; every 100,000 to a million years. The last time the coup occurred since 700,000 years ago. That maybe we expect to happen. C Geophysical said. Marvin Herndon The coup could cause a temporary collapse of the Earth's magnetic field, a suicide everything from power grids to gas pipelines to communication satellites.
But also do not need to present a sense of fear. While that can happen is a rapid on the geological time scale, it is much longer on a scale humanitarian conditions; between 1000 and 10000. Loew says Jeffrey: «either will cause us harm or not is an academic question, will be located in our lives.
10-Nuclear War
Control Unit received a satellite on September 26, 1983, located in a secret facility near Moscow warning: set off five nuclear missiles from a base in the United States. Fortunately, Sauer officer unit Stanisav Ivgrapovich Petrov doubt on the credibility of the newly Mansoob device, and chose to wait rather than to convey to the leadership immediately warning it could spark a nuclear war. Perhaps his rule has saved millions of lives.
Nuclear tensions calmed considerably since the end of the cold war, but the threat still exists. Countries has more than before the bomb, terrorist groups remain and red states a cause for concern. Pose a study published in 2008 in the Journal of Physics Today that a regional war involving a minimum of 100 bomb could cause a nuclear winter, which will come in lower temperatures in the Occupied in 1000, while the struggle includes thousands of small arms could be: «erase probably the majority of the human population.
Sandberg says Martin Oxford: «nuclear war is a short-term risk that people tend to forget. If you think historically, you will find that we were probably lucky.
11-Industrial black hole
In 1945, he raised the physicists who worked on the first atomic bomb was likely worrying: What if the energy emitted from nuclear fission ignited the air and wiped out life on Earth? Obviously, this did not happen, and the human species was able to escape from the entry into the nuclear age.
On the other hand not lost sight of the idea that physicists could cause the end of the world catastrophe. In 1999, while he was preparing Brookhaven National Laboratory to ignite relative Heavy Ion Collider, raising a man from Hawaii named Walter Wagner issue to close the facility. He claimed that the collision particles high-energy atomic particles can spawn small black holes could grow later to swallow the earth.
Did not result in the lab, over more than a decade of operation, a black hole, but Wagner warns of the danger the same for European Hadron laboratory, which generates higher energies. Theoretical physicists refuse this threat. Says physicist Dmitry Kharsep in Brookhaven Lab: «these high energies the humanitarian conditions, but cosmic rays that occur naturally in the space more energy. If a high-energy molecule collision can produce black holes, was swallowed one of them long ago.
12-X factor
A century ago were not many threats within the scope of our imaginations. Are there other dangers hiding behind cilia our mind? Ask some scientists who work at the forefront of the science of the universe seem strange ideas, but maybe someday accept as truth.
One of these ideas is 'void space', and the idea is that the same space can be turned into a different quantum state, where everything Mboukra. Another idea is the theory that structures located behind the visual dimensions that called Brane (membrane, spatially extended mathematical concept), it can collide with disastrous results as well. For astronomer Derek Fox, these things thought-provoking rather than causing inconvenience. «Yes, it is likely that there are things in the universe can be a threat to life on earth does not know anything about it yet. But I do not think that these are the things that we need to worry about. Every night, astronomers look at the universe, look 10 billion years or more into the past, and did not see any sign of these types of things »
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