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Coffee was the cause of the invention webcam!

Coffee was the cause of the invention webcam!

Experiencing computer technology is advancing rapidly, which makes it difficult for us to remember how life was before the invention of the Internet.
Although, it 19 years ago from now, and with the beginnings of the last decade of the last century, not the World Wide Web of the Internet is witnessing the presence of any of the search engines, and social networking sites, or even webcams.
But scientists who have won the right to invent the first camera for the web, cheerfully so revolutionary technique by which talks voice and image, or a Webcast, did not get to that idea only through their pursuit of the idea of ​​a more forward, an idea hot coffee.
Although the computer freaks at the University of Cambridge were involved in research projects about the latest manifestations of technology, but there remains a single team can not work indispensable that a coffee maker.
Quentin Stafford-Fraser believes that one of the things that are of great importance in scientific research in the field of computer researchers is to be given by equally reliable caffeine.
But the problem facing scientists is that the coffee container had been placed in the main computer lab, or what is known as the Chamber of "Trojan", while most researchers work in different laboratories are located on other floors.
Stafford says - Fraser: "researchers often go to that place to get some coffee, but they find it has run out of the container."
Coffee flowing
To find a solution to that problem, the Stafford - Fraser with one other researchers and named Paul Jarditzaki install a camera to monitor the container in a room "Trojan".
The camera takes three pictures of the container every minute, and the researchers also wrote a program that would allow researchers in the department to get those images through the internal computer network to have.
And contributed to the idea to get rid of the physical and psychological effort carried out by researchers every time when they were heading to a coffee container to find them empty.
However, the idea of ​​the camera remained trapped inside the lab until the twenty-second of November of 1993, to appear in the World Wide Web or what is known as the Internet.
Where cautions Martin Johnson, a computer scientist, to the possibility of this invention in a moment of moments that came out of the scope of his research to think about it.
Johnson was not connected to internal computer network in Cambridge lab, so he can not use a camera that monitors the coffee container.
And although the operation was apparently relatively easy, but Johnson was working on a citizen network capacity study and verification of servant-mail code.
Johnson said: "I just left a program about those pictures taken and did not exceed the first version of those writing twelve lines of code, the program shows the latest image of the container in front of Carrefour."
The images were those inside the coffee container university lab the beginning of the idea of ​​a web camera.
Stafford said Fraser "was not the idea is significantly different, since that container are either empty or full. May be half full in some moments, making you guess that was empty or it is being filled. "
Then the idea began to spread among millions of lovers of technology worldwide.
Where Stafford-Fraser received e-mails from Japan requests flashlight lighting up the container at night so can be seen in different time zones.
The tourist information office in Cambridge to work on directing visitors from the United States to the computer lab to see that idea themselves.
But responded to this camera mentioned in the series The Archrz, the longest radio serials in the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC.
Johnson says, "I think frankly we are all surprised if a little with that idea and I do not think that has anything else involved in it in my life, this momentum, even though it was just a crazy idea occurred to me in a few days."
Ten years later, with a large amount of momentum, the scientists decided to go ahead with this idea.
Johnson says, "and then we started to lose the ability entirely on the support of that program. They did research programs always enjoyed a high level of quality, and we simply want to get rid of the devices that they do not support it. "
Despite the wave of objections by the idea of ​​web cam lovers from around the world, stopped working coffee container and a web camera.
And picked up the camera last picture of her show a lab researchers is pressing a button closure for this device.
Straford Fraser attaches to this idea, "passed the idea different Botoar during 10 years, between a new idea foolish, to become a new event watched by a good number of people, then become a hallmark of Wide Web as seen by many.
Then later turns into a historic and finally becomes something sad people to stop work. "
Straford Fraser confirms that these developments do not occur through a few years only through the Internet.
As expected, sold those coffee container in one of the auctions on the Internet at $ 3,350 pounds.
The German magazine Der Spiegel is purchased by you immediately re-run again.

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